@LightWaveDrake That's a difficult position to be in.
You should ask your mother for the key to your room and lock it to gain more of a feeling of privacy. Consider talking to a friend about spending a weekend and staying overnight, either at their place or camping.
Aside from that... "Talk to your family about putting up your brother for adoption." sounds a bit drastic, but consider a route of telling him that this IS serious and that his behavior CANNOT go on.
To tell the truth, your post is a bit hard to parse, but I think I got the gist of it:
You are taking a break right now, but the "break" hasn't been 'actually restful' because there is too much going on in your life. And now you are stressed out about not "having rested", not having done any art and how this may affect people's disposition of you.
Personally, I think it won't be as much as an issue as you are afraid it would be. There is no 'giant invisible alarm clock' in the background that will suddenly ring and drive away all of your followers if you take too much time not following your _hobby_. And you make it clear in your profile that this is, at the moment, a hobby for you.
From what I gather, the person who probably stresses you the most about this yourself. ;)
My advice would be: Stop stressing yourself out. Stop looking at your various accounts. Turn off your phone. Sit in a room without a clock. Get a tasty snack. Then read a book, watch a show you enjoy or do something else that's 'non-interactive' and doesn't have a million advertisements or 'side-functions'. Just have some "you time".
In a world where everyone tries to get your attention you need to learn how to disconnect yourself when you need to. The world will _not_ collapse in on itself, just because @LightWaveDrake wasn't "available" for an evening or two.
And if I was 'wrong' and it 'does' collapse, it didn't deserve any better. You are only human. Not everything can be your 'constant responsibility'. ;)
LightWaveDrake (Updated )
I just realised I copied and pasted the wrong thing. Well I corrected it, yesterday was an awful day.
It's not that, I didn't tell what it is bcus it wounds me inside to remember. Every single weekend, no exceptions, are the same. My bro does a mess, mom yells or screams at him for many time.
It can be fir ridiculous things, a toy, a youtube channel, something he wanted to take and mom didn't let him. Then he starts crying, beating things and people, even that he's 6 years old. The yelling, screaming, it all starts for what feels to be an eternity. And this have been happening EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, I am DEAD SERIOUS.
I'm having constant headaches, nothing makes me happy anymore, I mean NOTHING AT ALL. Everything feels boring, pointless, meaningless, rewardless.
I'm being stressed out, burnt out, for going to a course I didn't want to do everyday and I don't have the right to complain, never. Our family is passing through a hard monetary crisis, we can't even go out to buy a sandwich bcus we can "waste" our money like this.
Our family is crumbling apart. All I wanted was a psychiatrist to help me through this, but I never caught those two in good moods to ask bcus I am a burden to them.
All I do was look to the sky and ask myself why am I still here. I just wanted to be a good artist, appreciated, but people don't notice me. My numbers are falling, maybe soon I'll fall in the valley of forgetfulness.
I can't, everything is going wrong. I hate, I HATE my life